Tuesday, January 20, 2015

#vmadventure Shity tires,fucked up lines and a cold shower at the end

Shity tires,fucked up lines and a cold shower as dessert

No Iam not changing my bicycle for a Hip Hop career. But today was a day of working against the power of mother nature.

I was leaving Malaga city after a week. This city was making me lazy and I missed the connection with mother nature. So a Canadian told me about El chorro, after seeing the pictures I knew it El Chorro was the next destination. The route showed me a distance of 50 km but I knew there where hills.

Shity tires and fucked up lines

Fucked up lines I love it

The hills where step and the road condition was broken tarmac. No irritation I love it to work against those factors. And after the broken tarmac, muddy roads where following.
I spoke at this trip with surfers and climbers and they are al speaking about reading the lines of your playground. One other important fact is to be relaxt and feel the reaction of your playground. It's the same with cycling you need to read your track and find nicelines between wet rocks and muddy tracks. Strange but my slicktires are my best friend in every condition. When I have my fully packed bicycle on muddy ground I do slowclimbing (keeping pressure) and slow off road downhill (keeping care of my luggage). Braking you need to do on the right moments and not on wet stones. I learned allot of my mountainbike friends back in Holland thanks guys.

Oke and why I talk about shity tires ? My tires didn't like the brown mud and where covered in mud. So I needed to walk uphill like I was a alpinist.
And the fucked up lines, yeah thats because the tarmac road was full of holes and scratches. I learned to avoid those holes because those roads eat tires and give you a flat present. Later when I finished my tapa meal in the city Alora I took a 10 km cold shower to El Chorro. But sometimes it's nice to suffer and I like to sing and scream under my cold shower. So I was singing " I want to ride my bicycle ". The fun factor is for me very important and before I knew I was in mountainparadise El chorro.

Pictures of today

When you feel the pain in your legs


Muddy roads down and up

Is this the jungle ?

Outside my place for the night

I send you soon some pictures of El Chorro

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